Media skills development


Still from Superwoman Saves the Day by Hollie, Rosie and Amy, 2010

In the first half of 2010 Cenatus delivered in a number of skills development projects, allowing us to share our experience gained with creative production and web design.

Recent and current projects include:

  • Web design & online publishing – working with young people on the design of a website for Blue Train, an extensive cross art-form project related upcoming Diaghilev exhibition at the V&A.
  • Radio and sound art practice – as part of a Creative Partnerships project at Windsor Boys’ School. Pupils and teaching staff learned about about radio scripting and sound recording, editing and digital media in general.
  • Video skills and factual film making – working for the hub with young people in Colchester on a 3 day intensive workshop. With shadow puppetry as a theme, participants learned about scripting, video editing, interviewing and preforming hand and paper shadow puppets.

digital, sharing


  1. 2 pages are tagged with CafeOTO
  2. 1 page is tagged with FutureEverything
  3. 4 pages are tagged with MusicLabel
  4. 2 pages are tagged with MusicTechnology
  5. 6 pages are tagged with Netaudio
  6. 1 page is tagged with NewMusicPlus
  7. 4 pages are tagged with OnlineMedia
  8. 2 pages are tagged with Penultimate
  9. 1 page is tagged with SerpentineGallery
  10. 1 page is tagged with SoundDesign
  11. 2 pages are tagged with SoundandMusic
  12. 15 pages are tagged with WebDesign
  13. 2 pages are tagged with conference
  14. 3 pages are tagged with digital
  15. 1 page is tagged with evaluation
  16. 8 pages are tagged with event
  17. 4 pages are tagged with featured
  18. 3 pages are tagged with festival
  19. 3 pages are tagged with infrasonics
  20. 3 pages are tagged with installation
  21. 2 pages are tagged with interactive
  22. 5 pages are tagged with internship
  23. 4 pages are tagged with people
  24. 12 pages are tagged with production
  25. 2 pages are tagged with research
  26. 5 pages are tagged with sharing playlist

..recent tracks from Matt

..recent tracks from Andi


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